Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Okay, so I know this is a little personal and you may not think it is very "lady like" for me to be talking about such subjects, but EVERYONE does this so let's stop acting like it's something we never do. The deal is: we crap. Yes, we all do it. But, sometimes I struggle. My pucker doesn't always work like its supposed to. Further, I sometimes do not sleep well. And then one day, it occurred to me. When I sleep good, I don't crap. And, on the flip side, when I'm crappin good, I don't sleep well. So, I wondered why and who best to find an answer? My buddy, Sharon. I know...she doesn't look very intelligent. But read on...her wisdom knows no bounds. Here's what SHARON has to say on the subject of crappin vs. sleepin. (P.S. The fact that the text is in brown has me wondering what she dipped her pen in to write it!....Hmmmmm.

"When you are crappin good, you have crapped all your brains out and the only reason to sleep is to let your brain rest…….no brain, no rest needed.

When you can’t crap, you are thinking too hard about crappin therefore using your brain more than normal so you are sleeping because your brain needs rest.

You can send this information to the new England journal of medicine if you’d like. They have been trying to figure out this sh*t for years.

Or you can just call it even and be glad that you don’t crap while you are sleeping..."

Thank you, Sharon!!! Okay you know the reason for the blog. Where else are you going to get the answers to life's little struggles? ...Glad we could help, Tedi

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