Thursday, November 13, 2008


Post by Tedi:

Ever so often, Sharon and I engage in some pretty serious topics of conversation and the other day, our topic was “reincarnation.” Now, I know some of you don’t believe in it at all because your religion won’t let you (brainwashed). BUT, let’s just say for argument’s sake that there is such a thing. I stated that when you reincarnate, no matter what you come back as, you maintain your gender. Sharon disagreed but had no real argument to support her belief. She’s not right all the time. In fact, she may tell you sometime that HER religion is “Yiddish.” Anyway, back to me…there’s something you don’t know. My name is Tedi as in the “bear,” right? Get it? I was once a ninja-fighting bear. It’s true. Check out my website:

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