Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hello All: In case you haven't heard. I can't imagine ANY of you not hearing about the gas well that has been installed some distance away from Sharon's house. She has been whining incessantly about it. I don't understand why. It's just a tiny little gas well drill kinda, sorta, near her house. Look at the pictures and conclude for yourself. Could you live with this? Feel free to post a comment.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Post by Tedi:

Dear Readers: With this blog entry, you are asked to take the following test to find out if you’re a pussy driver. Answers at the end of the test. NO CHEATING!!

1. When driving down the interstate and the posted speed limit is 55 mph, I travel at
A. 50
B. 55
C. 60
D. 60 minimum

2. While driving in heavy traffic, I notice a short cut could be taken but it would require me driving over a solid white line. I take the short cut because by doing so, I will aid the traffic flow by removing my car from the situation and I will get to my destination faster. True or False.

3. When driving down the road and talking on my cell phone, I suddenly lose all control of my right foot as it automatically eases off the accelerator for the duration of my call. True or False.

4. When merging on to an interstate, I travel at the posted ramp speed or less gently merging into traffic taking special precaution to avoid flipping my car. True or False.

5. I’m stopped at an intersection in the left turn lane. The light is green and I’m waiting for oncoming traffic to pass so that I may execute my turn. While waiting, my car is BEHIND the white line. True or False.

6. While driving down the interstate, I drive safely in the far left lane going the posted speed limit or slower. True or False.

7. When people pull out in front of me and/or change lanes and cut me off, I do one or more of the following: Honk my horn, Cuss at them, or Introduce them to the Tall Man. True or False.

8. While driving, I’m in no hurry. The vodka/tonic I’ll have when I finally arrive to my destination can wait. True or False.

9. My passengers always feel safe and comfortable riding in the car with me. True or False.

10. I never cuss while driving and I follow all laws of the road. True or False.

Question 1. If you answered anything but D, you’re a PUSSY!!!
Questions 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10: If you answered True to any of these, you’re a PUSSY!!!
Questions 2 and 7: If you answered False to either of these, you’re a PUSSY!! Learn to drive!! MEOW!!